The Mindful Engineer Training

Training for Engineering Graduate Students and Post-Doctoral Researchers

Invitation: The UW-Madison College of Engineering in partnership with Healthy Minds Innovations, the nonprofit affiliated with the Center for Healthy Minds, is pleased to offer free mindfulness training for all engineering graduate students and post-doctoral scholars.

Why Participate? Mindfulness practices offer potential benefits for a variety of aspects of well-being, including stress and anxiety reduction. This free activity provides a unique opportunity for our graduate students and post-docs to learn about and engage with a variety of mindfulness techniques taught by experienced instructors affiliated with the Center for Healthy Minds and Healthy Minds Innovations. The training is open to beginners as well as people with prior experience. Mindfulness can help build resilience when facing the uncertainty of these uniquely challenging times.  Even if you have completed mindfulness training before or have experience with meditation, this would be an excellent way to hone your skills and interact (virtually) with other engineering colleagues.

Registration: Training will be held Tuesdays, October 20 to December 8, at 6:30-7:30pm using BB Collaborate.

Click here to Register

Questions about the training can be sent to Assistant Dean for Graduate Affairs Chris Brace at clbrace@wisc.ed