Getting Started at UW-Madison - Your First Steps to Success
Welcome! You've just been admitted to UW-Madison! Now what? We're here to help. This student welcome page provides a set of resources that are critically important for you to complete before your first semester at UW-Madison begins. Please review the sections below and reach out to us on the student services page of this Community & Support site with any questions. First and foremost, make sure to begin working through New Student Checklist below.
1. New Student Checklist
As soon as you receive your admittance letter, you should begin working through the Getting Started Checklist.

2. Explore the Community & Support Site
Once you activate your UW NetID, you will be able to gain full access to this website. This is the place to get help from staff, and connect with fellow students, alumni and faculty from your online program. Make sure to check out the following.

3. Get Orientated! Self-Register and Participate in Online Student Learning Orientation (OSLO)
New students can participate in the OSLO (Online Student Learning Orientation) micro-course before your first semester begins. Follow the link for dates, details, and registration information.