If you were a Fall ’19 graduate or are on track to be Spring ’20 or Summer ’20 graduate…CONGRATULATIONS! You can anticipate an email from Student Services within the next week that will include detailed information about the necessary steps to receive you diploma and attend May graduation events. Please read that email thoroughly!
In the meantime, here is a little preview:
The University, College of Engineering and Office of Engineering Professional Development are hosting events on May 8 and 9, 2020, to which you and your loved ones are invited.
If you DO plan to join us in Madison and participate in some of all of the commencement activities, here is all you need to know and do:
- Closely review the EPD Commencement Information: EPD Commencement Information. You are invited to a breakfast hosted by EPD, a University-wide ceremony in Camp Randall at 12:00, and the College of Engineering Graduation Recognition Event at 5:00 pm.
- As soon as possible, RSVP to the EPD Breakfast and Graduation Celebration by completing the sign-up sheet linked in the above EPD Commencement Information.
- By Friday, April 3, rent your cap and gown. The order form is linked in the above EPD Commencement Information. Students will not be admitted to ceremonies without a cap and gown.
- By April 8, make lodging reservations if needed. We have a room block at the Lowell Center, linked in the above EPD Commencement Information.
Please email Emily Johnson emily.johnson7@wisc.edu with questions about lodging, cap/gown rentals, or any other logistics.
Please email Daryl or Stephanie at studentservices@epd.wisc.edu with questions about degree completion or academic concerns.
We hope to see you and yours on campus in May!