When is it? Commencement for all bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral, and professional degree candidates will be held on Sunday, December 15, at the Kohl Center. The ceremony will begin at 10 a.m., and graduates will need to be seated by 9:30 a.m. The ceremony will last approximately two and a half hours.
What do I need to do to attend? Whether you are an undergraduate or graduate student, there are a few important steps to prepare for graduation:
You need to apply to graduate in the Student Center of My UW. To ensure your name is printed in the commencement program, you must apply by Friday, November 1. If you have already applied to graduate, are wondering if you have applied or want to check if your information has been entered correctly, access the graduation application and make any necessary updates. Step-by-step instructions and a demo video are available.
Ensure that you have met all of your graduation requirements. Check with an advisor or department coordinator, or review your DARS report.
How many people can I invite? No tickets are required to attend commencement, and there is no limit to the number of guests a graduate may bring. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis. If you or a member of your party needs additional details on facility accessibility, please refer to the Accessibility Section on the commencement website.
Do I need a cap and gown? Yes; online rentals for your cap and gown are now open.
Still have questions? Find more information at www.commencement.wisc.edu.
Congratulations! You’re just three months away from celebrating an achievement that has been years in the making.
P.S. Interested in being the Winter Commencement Student Speaker? Here’s how to apply!