This policy applies to all students enrolled in courses that award A-F grades. At the end of the spring 2021 term, between May 8, 2021 and May 21, 2021, eligible students may choose to convert their letter grade in any course to one of two new grades:
SD (Satisfactory-Disruption) and UD (University Disruption-No Credit). When students choose this option, their letter grade will be converted to one of the two new grades as described below. The SD grade will count for all University General Education, degree/major, certificate, and PhD minor requirements and will satisfy future course prerequisites. The UD will not count for any credit. Neither of the new grades will be included in GPA calculations.
B or higher = SD, credit earned, no effect on GPA
BC or lower = UD, no credit earned, no effect on GPA
Frequently Asked Questions:
If I choose to convert my grades to SD/UD, how will standard letter grades convert to SD/UD?
If a graduate student earns a B or higher, and opts into the disruption grading option, their grade will be converted to a SD; if a student earns a BC or lower, and opts into the disruption grading option, their grade will be converted to a UD. Spring 2021 grades can only be converted between May 8 and May 21, 2021, after course grades have been posted in the Student Center.
If I choose to have my grade changed to SD, will these courses still fulfill my requirements?
The SD will count for all degree requirements. Courses taken on this basis will also count toward the Graduate School’s minimum graduate residence and graduate coursework (50%) credit requirements, as well as certificate and doctoral minor course credit and the minimum or maximum credit load per term requirements.
How does a SD/UD grade impact my GPA?
SD/UD grades are not included in GPA calculations.
How does the UD grade work?
The UD grade does not satisfy any requirements, it does not count for credit, it is not included in GPA calculations, and it cannot be used to fulfill a prerequisite on a course. Students may retake a course with a UD grade in a subsequent semester and receive credit in that semester. All courses will remain on the record.
How will the SD/UD grades be explained on my transcript?
The transcript legend, which appears on every transcript, will describe the SD/UD grades. Additionally, in the transcript memorandum section for any student enrolled at UW-Madison during spring 2020-spring 2021, this standard statement will be applied: “A global public health emergency in spring 2020, summer 2020, fall 2020 and spring 2021 required marked changes to university operations that may have significantly affected student enrollment, learning and grading.”